Radio GaGa

Ooh, an exciting thing has happened.

When I won the World Audio Short Story Writer competition back in April this year, my prize was to have my story, ‘Singing For The Terrified’ recorded by an actor and…finally… it’s now on the Short Story Radio website! (Hmm, along with an interview with me in which I sound like I’ve got a cold! Or maybe I just hadn’t had my morning coffee).

Anyway, should you wish to listen to the story (it’s 15 mins long – I should warn you – but it’s not particularly ‘taxing’!) then you can find it here.

It’s a strange feeling to hear someone else read your story but the actor, Lisa Armytage has done a really good job. She’s got the voice of my character Renee Cheek, for example, exactly as I imagined it in my head.

If you fancy having one of your stories recorded and broadcast, by the BBC, no less, they’ve got a call for short stories here. You can only submit one story and there are transcripts of other stories that they’ve broadcast, on the webpage, to give you an idea of the kind of thing they’re looking for. You have to submit by 14th December, so don’t leave it too late!

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13 Responses to Radio GaGa

  1. Jo Tiddy says:

    Fantastic Helen, well done. Just had a listen, what a great story!

  2. Christine Steenfeldt says:

    I entered this one and after listening to yours, the winner, and I can see why I didn’t win! It was excellent. Well done. And thank you for the mention of the BBC competition. I am madly thinking of what to write!

    • Aw, thanks Christine. It was a story that had been floating around for a while. I’d entered it for a few other competitions and it came nowhere. It had been shortened, lengthened, different characters added and taken away and, eventually, it got there! But like you, I’m madly trying to think of something for the BBC now too! My dad would finally believe I’m a writer, if I have something broadcast on the BBC!

  3. Julia says:

    Well done, Helen. Really enjoyed the story and the interview. Feel quite inspired after listening to you!

  4. Tracy Fells says:

    As I’m stuck on the sofa today with hot-water bottle and pulled back muscle I’ve just listened to this with a large coffee and it cheered me up! Fun story and great interview Helen. You chose a perfect story for audio recording, with lots of great voices and dialogue. Loved Renee Cheek.

    • Thanks Tracy, it’s nice to know it cheered you up on this horrible rainy Monday (well, it’s horrible here). Sorry to hear you aren’t feeling great – hope you’re better soon. Between you and me, ‘The Cheeks’ were a real family who used to be our neighbours. They didn’t do competitions or stalk people they’d met on holiday but they were from Lancashire, bless ’em and they did give me that lovely line “Cheeky by name and Cheeky by nature!” – when I was about fourteen. I knew I’d get to use it one day! Get well soon!

  5. I thought you came across really well in the interview, Helen! Did you have advance knowledge of the questions?

  6. Maggie May says:

    Really enjoyed your story Helen and the interview. Well done.

  7. Jackie Sayle (Brown) says:

    Helen – I’ve just listened to your winning story. It made me grin, wince, hold my head in my hands, and giggle. Well done! Smashing characterisation and beautifully brought to life by the actress. Brilliant! Thanks for sharing it and good luck with the BBC.

    • Jackie, thank you very much for your kind comments. I’ve just realised that they’ve ‘labelled’ the story as ‘humour – which didn’t come from me, incidentally. I suppose everyone’s idea of what’s funny is different. I don’t think that story is hilarious but I hope there are bits in it that make people smile, at least!

  8. Clare Banks says:

    A really great story, Helen. And an excellent interview afterwards. You would have been a dream guest on my Saturday breakfast show at Radio Gloucestershire back in the 90s. I did an author slot every week. PS: I’d like to be able to call myself a writer after 23 years with the Beeb, but I don’t think news counts. Good luck with BBC short story. PPS: Thanks for previous help regarding word count.

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